A minimalistic and customizable live wallpaper that lets you fly across the galaxy.
Remember the old windows screensaver? This is basically it.
Please note: Only the stars move, the galaxy in the background is a static image you can choose in the app.
Wallpaper hidup yang minimalis dan dapat disesuaikan yang memungkinkan Anda terbang melintasi galaksi.
Ingat screensaver windows lama? Ini pada dasarnya.
Harap dicatat: Hanya bintang yang bergerak, galaksi di latar belakang adalah gambar statis yang dapat Anda pilih di aplikasi.
A minimalistic and customizable live wallpaper that lets you fly across the galaxy.
Remember the old windows screensaver? This is basically it.
Please note: Only the stars move, the galaxy in the background is a static image you can choose in the app.